I thought a family blog would be a great way to keep everyone updated on the happenings around the Minshall household and updated on our little Walk-man of course. Also, after talking to my friend Allison, I realize that this will be a wonderful thing to look back on in the future. I will be able to see what Walker was learning and doing, and what John and I were going through as well.
Walker will be 11 months old in only 6 days on December 19th. I can't believe it will be his very last "month birthday". My little baby is growing so fast. He took his first steps on December 1st, and has taken a few steps here and there since then. I believe the most in a row has been about 4 steps. He crawls like a pro and it is so funny to see him try and crawl fast. Instead of moving his knees towards his body, it's like he just shifts his little behind side to side. It's adorable. He cruises along all the furniture all day long. He also loves to stand holding onto the entertainment center and watch the tv when Daddy is playing video games. He tries and tries to get a hold of Daddy's controller every chance he gets. Speaking of the Xbox, John has had to get his video game repaired once already because curious little Walker decided to bang on the Xbox. I thought it was quite amusing...John, not so much :o).
Since Walker loves to pull up on everything and cruise, John and I were really worried about getting a Christmas tree. We thought he would not leave it alone, but I love them so much and since it is Walker's first Christmas, we couldn't not have one. To our suprise, Walker has been great with it. At first he didn't try to touch it at all. Now he is getting a little more brave and will sit real close, stare at the tree for a bit and then touch a branch really quick and pull his hand away lol. It's pretty funny to watch.
Walker has been very vocal lately and is just starting to try and copy things we say (time to stop the bad words while playing video games Daddy! lol). He says Dada and Mama all the time, but I think it's actually towards us just on occasion. He definately knows who we are though. If you say "Where's Daddy?" or "Where's Mommy?" he immediatley looks around for us :o). He tries to say Macho but it's more like "ma-mla", "ma-bla", or, the closest one yet, "ma-mo". Recently he also started saying dog. He is pretty close! It sounds kind of like "doc", but it's very exciting to hear :o). He also loves to squeal lately. He will crawl around and squeal so loud out of nowhere! Or he will blow bubbles and squeal at the same time, it's so funny. He also makes this funny noise all the time that sounds like a growl/hum.
One of Walker's new favorite things to eat is chewy granola bars. John and I gave him a bite of ours one time, and ever since then if he sees us with one he will make his growl/hum noise until we give him a piece lol. So i started getting him his own :o). Some other foods he loves are apple slices and toast. I tried to give him some toast with jelly on it the other day and he didn't like it. He prefers it plain. However he does like bread with jelly on it. Just not toast with jelly lol. What a silly boy. I still feed him some baby food purees since most of the food he feeds himself ends up on the floor or in the highchair seat. Of those he loves apricots and pears. He also likes sweet potatoes.
Recently I started turning on the Disney Channel in the mornings when Walker and I get up just for some background noise. The only shows he pays attention to at all are Imagination Movers and The Doodlebops. I think it is because they sing fun songs. He loves music and stops what he is doing to dance whenever he hears any. He's just like his Daddy :o). It's so cute to see him stare at the tv so intently lol. I didn't think he was really old enough to care about what was on, so it is really cute to see him start paying attention as soon as they start to sing. His favorite stuffed animal is a dog that my Aunt Molly got for my baby shower. It barks and he just loves it. No matter what he is doing if you make the dog bark he gets a huge smile on his face and crawls over to get him :o). Walker also loves anything that spins. He is amazed by wheels. If any of his toys has a part the spins, he will sit and play with it and nothing else on the toy. He also is mesmerized by lights. Since he was born he has always stared at lights. He loves our Christmas tree because of that and also the lights outside :o).
John and I cannot wait for Walker's birthday party. It is on January 24th at Pump it Up. This is an indoor play area that has tons of inflatable toys like slides and obstacle courses. We know he is a little young to know what is going on, but we wanted to do something memorable for us as well as our guests. I am a very sentimental person so his first birthday is very, very important to me. I plan on taking lots of pictures (of course) and videos, so I think it will be a lot of fun to look back on when he is older. I made his birthday invitations and it was so bittersweet. I am ecstatic that Walker so aware and getting to be so much fun to play with, but it's just a little sad that my baby is s0 big. Everyone told me it would go by fast, but I guess you just don't understand until you go through it yourself. I guess I am getting a little bit of baby fever lol. We plan on trying for miracle #2 in the spring of next year :o).
Speaking of next year, John and I may unfortunetly have to move out of state. John's contract with the Army will be up in May, and we don't have many options on what to do next. He is currently trying to go AGR (Active Guard Reserve) and be a recruiter, but if that doesn't work out, he will have to sign an Active Duty contract. If this happens, we don't really have a say in where we go or what John's job will be. Obviously this will be very hard for me especially, but I know it will not be the end of the world. It will hopefully be for only a few years and I know it could be so much worse. As long as I can be with John I am happy. I would much rather move away from home for a while then John have to go back to Iraq. I am being optimisitc yet staying in the frame of mind that we will be moving so that if we do it will not be AS hard to deal with. Who knows, it could be fun to see another part of the country, right?
Well, this has turned out to be a lengthy post so I will call it good for now. I have decided that I will try to post a picture or two with each one of these for more memories :o). So here we go:
These are some pics I took of Walker yesterday while he was eating some bread with jelly :o)
In the one below, you can see his two teeth that he got about a month or two ago! The two bottom ones :o)