Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Brrrr! I can't believe it is still snowing! I know we usually get a little every year but I just love it so much, it always excites me :o). I have some cute pictures to post with this one. We went to ZooLights on Monday with my parents and Britty. It was freezing but lots of fun. Walker was little tired because he didn't have a very good nap that day, but he still loved the lights. I will post the pictures at the end of this post.

John has started the paper work to go Active Duty just incase we end up having to go that route. That way he won't be scrambling at the last minute to get everything done. Also, this way we have more time to think about where we would like to try and go if we have to move somewhere. We are thinking about Ft. Carson, CO. I think Colorado is beautiful. I have always wanted to go there. Maybe that will make it a bit easier to be away from home. We don't really have a say in where we go ultimatley, but they do "listen" to your top choices lol.

Anywho, I can't wait for Christmas to get here! Only one more week! I feel like it is taking forever to get here this year. John says it's because we shopped so early. I think it is because I am so excited to celebrate Walk's first one. Speaking of Walker, I wrapped his presents the other day and set them under the tree hoping he wouldn't try to touch them. He did great until today when he tried to stand up on the big one and ripped some paper right off lol! It was pretty funny. So needless to say, all the presents will probably stay in our room until Christmas this year.

Tonight I tried to make this ornament that I bought a kit for. It is this dough stuff that you roll out and press baby's hand onto and let it dry to make a handprint ornament. It is really weird though, almost like foam. It doesn't look too good right now lol. It was hard enough getting Walk to flatten his hand to press on there, but after I let it dry for a bit it started to undo the print! Ugh! lol. Hopefully it looks better when it dries. Oh well though, it will be funny to look back on and I know I will love it anyways :o).

I can't wait for Walker to be old enough to help me make Christmas cookies and homemade decorations and all that good stuff! Hopefully he likes crafts as much as I do lol. I might try to make Chex mix for my family's annual Christmas Eve party this year. My friend Allison gave me her recipe and it sounds so good!

Well, I have presents to wrap and other things I should be doing so I guess I should go for now.
Here are the pictures from ZooLights.

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