Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Walker Bear

My little Walker Bear is growing up so fast. He has been off the bottle for about a week now! I saw that he was getting a little bit attached to it, so I knew that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to break him of it. I changed his schedule up a bit, and he hasn't fussed for a bottle at all! I think I might have been a little more attached to it then he was lol. I am very proud of both of us. :)
He is talking up a storm now, his favorite word is still dog. He also tries to say duck, ball, jump, and uh oh. He walks around jibber-jabbering all day. I love it, it is adorable.
Walker loves to try to jump. I will say "can you jump?", and he will say "dum! dum!" and bend his little legs and stomp around. It is pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is so proud of himself, everytime he does it, he claps afterwards. He also loves to dance. Any time music is on, or anything with a beat for that matter, he dances to it. Even the dishwasher. He bends down so low while dancing that he almost always falls down, but he gets right back up and keeps dancing. :)
Right now Walker has a cold. We took him the the emergency room last night because he had a fever, threw up, and was then breathing really fast like he couldn't catch his breath. I called the nurse line at Madigan, but I was just too worried to sit around and wait for a call so we packed up and spent 4 hours in the E.R. Ugh. It was a long night, but worth it of course. They decided that it is just a bad cold. They did chest X-rays and they looked perfect, so they sent us home. We were relieved. He is doing much better today. He just has a little bit of a runny nose and is coughing every now and then. I think mostly he is just uncomfortable from the congestion.
John and I are thinking about trying to take a trip to Hawaii. Walker too of course. We are getting the new homeowners credit and will hopefully have enough left over to take a little trip. Since we never had a wedding or a honeymoon, we feel we deserve it. :) We think it would be a blast and Walker would love the beach I think! Hopefully we can go!
Here is my new favorite picture of my WalkieBear

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